Illustrations & GIFS

Slow mornings

Challenge to create ‘Indecipherable images’.

Wordless narrative inspired by the city of desire from ‘Italo Calvino’s ‘Invisible Cities.’

Wordless narrative inspired by the city of desire from ‘Italo Calvino’s ‘Invisible Cities.’

Wordless narrative inspired by the city of desire from ‘Italo Calvino’s ‘Invisible Cities.’

Bumpy Autorickshaw rides

Character page of a friend and all her prized possesions

Party Animal

Illustrations to accompany ‘In praise of shadows’ by Junichiro Tanazaki - University project.

Leopard in the Jungle

Illustrations to accompany ‘In praise of shadows’ by Junichiro Tanazaki - University project.


Young Love

Intruder at the dinner table

Little monkey scribbling

Illustration to accompany article about ‘Moon Water’.

Monkey with a butterfly bucket hat

Sleepless nights

Comic explaining how general vaccines work